
We bring teenagers who self-identify as girls or non-binary together in wild spaces to learn to love themselves and each other

We do this for FREE because we believe self-confidence is a right for everyone!

We cover the costs by selling Girl In The Wild merch, collaborating with generous partners, and accepting donations.

We’d love and appreciate your support to help us help the next generation rise.

2024 Camp Applications are now closed.

This isn’t a sing kumbaya and make paper maché kinda camp.

We bring teenagers who identify as girls or non-binary from all over North America to a remote location in the Canadian Pacific Northwest to work through some tough stuff and leave feelin’ strong, empowered, and free. We do it because being a teenager is hard sometimes. We know because we are adults who were teenagers once. And we struggled. A lot

At camp, we slay the struggle together — 8 teenagers and 4 strong leaders. We also do a lot of great stuff:

  • Hiking
  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Journaling
  • Body confidence
  • Summit dancing
  • Exploration
  • Environmental stewardship
  • Nutrition
  • Swimming
  • Mental health
  • And. So. Much. More.

There is woohooing. There is crying. There is laughing. There is love. There are lots of high fives. Like skabillions of high fives.

Camp is FREE. No catch.

Everything from the moment you walk onto our bus in Vancouver, BC.
It's free. All of it.

Travel to and from Kaslo, BC.

Food. You’ll eat like queens. Vegan queens in the wild.

Lodging. We’re living it up on a mountaintop at the Mount Carlyle Lodge.

Amazing mentors. We hired the coolest, bravest, smartest, badass-est humans to lead, educate, and inspire.

All the fun—we do lots of really cool stuff in a week.