These generous folks support Girl In The Wild in extraordinary ways
Flipside Creative is a marketing collective with heart owned by our founder Kim McMullen. It is our principal funder and donates 20%+ of its annual profits to support our marketing annually. As an organization that does "great work for good people—no jerks", it made sense as a next step to help found and create Girl In The Wild from the ground up.
"Girl In The Wild was born from our desire to do more with our organization—giving back in this way helps us fulfill our desire to affect real change."
Auriol Chocolates is a boutique chocolatier in the Yukon, who approached us in 2023 asking if they could make and sell a Girl in the Wild bar, with all proceeds supporting our program.
Get it here.
The Lake Louise Fire Department is staffed by good-hearted folks who are literally savings lives and making big impacts on a daily basis. We are in awe of them.
In 2020 and 2021, they made a substantial donation to our program.
"The Lake Louise Fire Department has always prided itself in being open and diverse to all its members. When we were introduced to Girl in the Wild, our team became instantly enthusiastic, not only was this a local organization we could support but the idea of giving these girls the opportunity to grow and be confident in their lives appealed greatly to our team!”
Martin Bambullis
At Hornby Organic, we make delicious energy bars using simple, organic, whole-food ingredients! By sourcing organic, local and fair trade, we believe in a regenerative approach to creating and sharing food. Not getting caught up in food fads, we focus on what amazing ingredients go into our bars and invite you to taste the difference.
“Good food & wild adventures go hand in hand! Supporting Girl in the Wild is something that Hornby Organic can 100% stand behind.”
Cayleigh Rees